Tomato Haiku Winners

HAIKU: an unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing usually five, seven, and five syllables respectively.

2021 Winners


Greenhouse Winner:

Luca Whitson, age 8 

Tomatoes are red

But they are more than just red

They are works of art



1st Place: Rick Willmott

Tomato Story
It grew so big and bright red
Until I ate it

2nd Place: Peg Duthie

can't blame the squirrels
for pouncing on juicy globes
but just one bite? bam!

3rd Place: Tarryn Sanchez

Seventy dollars
Three months waiting patiently
One tomato grew


1st Place: Laura Grubb

“The Many Hats She Wears”

Toe-may-toe, red, clean
Of the earth and nourishing.

Toe-mah-toe, red, diced
Pico, bruschetta, fresh, nice.
Toe-mater, fried, green
Southern cuisine, heavenly.
Thank you, nightshade queen.

2nd Place: Dan Rasbach

A teetotalling Baptist named Larry,
Said "I'll only drink water or dairy!"
His boast was unvarnished,
His record untarnished,
'Til the day that he met Bloody Mary.

3rd Place: Christopher Calvin

Summer gathering
Our family's heirlooms
In grandma's garden.


1st Place: Kristin Rager

Bunny bread and Duke’s,
Thick slabs of ripe tomato -
Sandwich perfection!

2nd Place: Zach Blair and Katherine Brick

Tomatoes in love.
The vines intertwine. What’s next?
Cherry tomato.

3rd Place: Dana Malone

Christmas in August--
Red romas tinsel the vines.
Let's deck the salads.


Honorable Mentions

Melissa Gay

deep red shining orb
mouth-watering delightful
magical nightshade

Goran Gatalica

planting tomatoes —
the explosion of silence
in father's greenhouse

Deahna Cring

Plump, and juicy; round.
Please put it in my mouth now.
Uhhh…that’s what she said

Kristin Saunders

Fruit or vegetable?
Don’t argue, let us unite
Around tomato

Kathryn Russ

Picked fresh off the vine
Drips into my sink, tastes like
Summer in my mouth

Clifford Lippard

Heavy on the vine
Plump, juicy, ready to pluck
Big boy comes of age

Saumya Bansal

"Soft hearted"
a firm green surface
yet the lightest touch of care
reddening their cheeks

Gwen Clark

Tomatoes galore,
Beefsteak, Heirloom, cherry, grape.
Come, let’s celebrate!

Herschel Pollard

Sliced, diced, smooshed, juiced, fried
Every possible way to
Envision my love

Teeth rip red ripe skin
Sinking into tender flesh
Your juice on my chin

Valentina Ranaldi-Adams

tomato power -
large amounts of lycopene
for one's well-being

Patrice Marotta

Tang of tomato
Canned and ready for winter
Will bring summer’s warmth

Laura Grubb
You are a savage
Fruity, juicy, and classic
Wreaking fruit havoc